Davide Fassio, “The Aim of Belief”. In Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2015.
Davide Fassio, “Revisionary Epistemology” (with R. McKenna), in Inquiry, 2015, 58 (7-8), 755-779. Special issue Philosophical Methodology and Metaphilosophy. Ed. Herman Cappelen.
Davide Fassio, “Knowledge and the Importance of Being Right”, Logos & Episteme, 2015, 6 (3): 265289.
Davide Fassio, “A Blind-spot Argument against Dispositionalist Accounts of Belief”, Acta Analytica, 2014, 29 (1): 71-81.
Davide Fassio, “Truth and the Aim of Belief”, in Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy. Ed. Duncan Pritchard, 2014, New York: Oxford University Press.
Davide Fassio, “Il fine della credenza”, Aphex, 9. 2014.
Davide Fassio, “Taking Norm-Regulation Seriously”, in Dutant, J., Fassio D. and Meylan A. (eds.) Liber Amicorum Pascal Engel, 2014, University of Geneva, pp. 760-777.
Davide Fassio, “Il Paradosso della Conoscibilità”, Aphex, 7. 2013.
Davide Fassio, “How to Distinguish Norms from Values”, in The Place of Values in a World of Norms, 5th Issue of Phenomenology and Mind, pp. 148-158. Ed, 2013, Francesca Forlè and Sarah SonghorianPavia: IUSS Press.
Davide Fassio, “Why Knowledge Should Not Be Typed: An Argument against the Type Solution to the Knowability Paradox” (with M. Carrara), in Theoria, 2011, Vol. 77 (2), pp. 180-193.
Davide Fassio, “Belief, Correctness and Normativity”, in Logique et Analyse, 2011, 54 (216): 471-486.
Davide Fassio, “Perfected Science and the Knowability Paradox” (with M. Carrara), in M. D’Agostino, G. Giorello, F. Laudisa, T. Pievani and C. Sinigaglia (eds.), New Essays in Logic and Philosophy of Science, Vol. 1, 2010, London: College Publications.
Davide Fassio, “Logically Unknowable Propositions: a criticism to Tennant’s three-partition of Anti-Cartesian propositions” (with M. Carrara), in P. Hanna (ed.) An Anthology of Philosophical Studies. Vol. 2. Atiner 2009: 181-194.